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Why Join?


You have to be present to make your voice heard.

Be part of the inner circle with other select senior decision-makers.

Imagine a full range of potential futures

Imagine having the opportunity to present and build support for your "what if" vision of the future.

Define the mechanisms that define the future

Dive into the details of your vision for the future by participating in working groups preparing policy papers and supporting legislation.

Forewarned is forearmed

("Be in the know")

When you are involved in defining the future and the fine details of "how it will work", you will intuitively know what to expect - and how to prepare.

Packages & Fees

Membership Plans & Fees



Choose from Impactor or Observer membership categories, in your corporate or personal/private capacity.

  • Impactors actively engage in the discussions, activities and work groups to define the direction of policy.

  • Observers are "in-the-know" about the latest developments but do not actively participate in the discussions.


Each year, a maximum of up to 100 new Impactor Members (corporate and personal together) are inducted on a 1st-come 1st-served basis, based on their merit and ability to add value to the efforts of the Club, and are typically vouched for by 1 or more existing members. Annual minimum cohort size is 40, with at least 10 representatives from each of the 4 financial segments.

Open Membership Packages as PDF

Membership Plans
IMPACTORS are professionals from the insurance, banking, investment and pension fields  who want to actively participate in events & discussions leading to policy definition, and policy and legislative draft preparation.
For COMPANIES that want to associate their corporate brand with the activities of the Club.
All corporate membership levels include:
  • Company logo;
  • Link to company website;
  • Company description.

In addition, 3 membership levels are available for Corporate Impactors wishing to increase their exposure & involvement (below).


# of membership upgrades available per cohort: 8


Upgrade your membership with a 20 minute keynote presentation at 1 bi-monthly event per year. Member chooses which event (subject to availability determined on a 1st come - 1st served basis).


# of membership upgrades available per cohort: 4


Upgrade your membership with a 20 minute keynote presentation at either the annual opening or annual closing event each year. Member chooses which event (subject to availability determined on a 1st come  -1st served basis).


# of membership upgrades available per cohort: 3


Maximize your membership impact by joining the Club directorate and work with Club administrators to determine events topics, agendas, etc. Limited to 1 year, with the ability to serve once every 5 years.

For more information and pricing:

For INDIVIDUALS that want to actively engage in Club activities in a personal/private capacity.
1 membership level is available, which includes:
  • Photo;
  • Link to LinkedIn or other social media account;
  • Personal description.

For more information and pricing:

Membership Plans
OBSERVERS are members from any industry, do not actively participate in discussions, but want to stay abreast of the latest thought-leadership, expertise and cutting-edge trends and policy directions by gaining immediate access to all detailed meeting materials, documents, reports, etc. through the Club's members'-only portal.
For COMPANIES that want to listen-in-only on Club activities and stay up-to-date about discussions.
Corporate Observers can choose to display their:
  • Company logo;
  • Link to company website;
  • Company description.

For more information and pricing:

For INDIVIDUALS who want to listen-in-only on Club activities and stay up-to-date about discussions, in a personal/private capacity.
Personal Observers can choose to display their:
  • Photo;
  • Link to LinkedIn or other social media account;
  • Personal description.

For more information and pricing:


A non-refundable Reservation Fee of $500 is required upon acceptance to the Club to reserve the membership position. This fee is credited towards the annual membership fee.


Once 40% of the annual cohort is filled, prospective members are updated, and then requested to pay the balance of the annual membership fee. This ensures that only individuals with serious intentions become members, while guaranteeing that there is a minimum critical mass of influential leaders to ensure that the discussions and working groups generate a variety of perspectives and ideas as well as concrete follow-up action.


Memberships are personal and non-transferable unless specifically authorized in writing by Climobilize. Payment can be made by an organization or private individual.


Memberships automatically renew unless notification is provided 1 month (30 calendar days) before the renewal date.


Memberships can be cancelled with 2 months (60 calendar days) advance notice, and fees refunded on a pro rata basis (not including the non-refundable Reservation Fee).


All members are required to sign an NDA to ensure compliance with confidentiality and Chatham House requirements (defined in the NDA).

Open Member NDA as PDF


Ensuring Discretion


Opt-in Member Visibility

You decide whether or not your real name is included in the list of members. All members are vetted and confirmed as legitimate so no need to worry about false representations.

Chatham House Rules

We operate and expect all members to abide by Chatham House rules. You can read more in section 7 of the NDA which all members sign.

Optional Online Pseudonym

Members can choose to use a pseudonym when attending online and in-person events. All members are vetted and confirmed as legitimate before being accepted into the Club.


All members sign the same NDA that clearly defines the terms and conditions of the Club regarding confidentiality. Click the PDF icon below to read the NDA.

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Membership / Price
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